Guided Reflection
- Introduction to company visions
- Performing a key activity — what activity are your customers engaged in when they use your product or service?
- Helpful comparison — what’s a good metaphor or comparison to get your idea across in as few words as possible? E.g., ‘As easy as calling an Uber.’
- Relevant trends — what ongoing macro-economic, consumer, and technology trends point in the direction of your vision?
- Watershed milestones — what has recently changed in your technology, regulatory or competitive environments that previously made your vision impossible?
- Inspiring outcome(s) — what will customers achieve in the future that would be almost impossible to achieve today?
- Smallest conceivable user input — what’s the minimal action that customers can take to achieve this outcome in the future? See my essay One-Sentence Product Descriptions.
- Critical areas to develop in the company — how can you hint at what you’ll need to achieve as a business without going into too much detail?
- Current niche customer segment — which customers do you focus on today?
- Large potential customer segments — which customers will you target in the future? Can you quantify them?
- Injustice of the status quo — what’s wrong with the current situation that your vision highlights . . . and can improve?
Next Steps
- Proactive actions
- Reflection survey